
What's New in AED

Want to learn Cpr?

AED will be hosting CPR Certification classes on campus this semester! Spots are $45 per person and limited, so sign up while you can! Priority will go to national members. You will be emailed about a week before the class to let you know if you have a spot or are on the waitlist. The AHA will email you your certification card about 1-2 days after attending! Contact Hannah if you have any questions.

Click here and sign up by typing your name in a green cell. Be kind, please don't delete names!

2024-2025 AED Merch is here!





Preorders are closed!

Keep an eye out for updates from our historian, Tina.

Join our Flare!

AED uses the app Flare for attendance and communication. To join, scan the QR code provided during a meeting or follow this link. Once you download the app, create an account with your first and last name. You will then be given permission to join AED’s Flare. Email aedemail@gmail.com if you have any questions! 

Follow our socials!

Instagram: lsu_aed

Twitter: LSUAED

Facebook: LSU Alpha Epsilon Delta


Join our mailing list!

To join the AED email list, use your Tiger Email Account to email aedemail@gmail.com with your name and LSU email address. Unfortunately, we cannot accept non-LSU email addresses due to the formatting of our list serve. Use this link or scan the QR code above to sign up for TigerLink so LSU officially recognizes you as a member of AED!