What's Happening at BYA?

October 19th - LSU Lunch Club

October 26th - LSU Lunch Club

November 2nd - LSU Lunch Club

November 4th - LSU vs. Alabama Tailgate

November 9th - LSU Lunch Club

November 15th - City Night

November 16th - City Night

November 30th - LSU Lunch Club

Events Overview

October 19 | 12:00pm - 12:45pm

LSU Lunch Club

Come to the Union Room 304 for a free Chick-fil-a sandwich and some fellowship!

Room 304 in the Union

October 26 | 12:00pm - 12:45pm

LSU Lunch Club

Come to the Union Room 304 for a free Chick-fil-a sandwich and some fellowship!

Room 304 in the Union